Nirkoda! Monthly Session (2012-2020)
Pay by Credit Card or PayPal
Note that the credit card price is higher due to processing fees. You can also ask Aaron to swipe your physical card at session.

Format, Schedule, and Pricing
Nirkoda! is a monthly Israeli Dance party in Palo Alto, CA. Beginning in March 2018, the format is:
- Lines workshop, 7:30 to 8:30pm. $5. We will learn approximately two line dances and dance or review those taught previously. See the list of dances taught.
- Regular session, 8:30pm to midnight, $10. It's an open-dancing style harkada with requests, DJ'd by Aaron Alpert, with little or no teaching.
Children and full-time students under 25 are free. No one will be turned away for lack of funds; if this is financially burdensome, pay what you can. If you have questions, email me.
Upcoming Dates — On hold due to COVID-19
Sessions are indefinitely on hold due to the COVID pandemic. We will resume monthly sessions once it is safe to do so.
We'll be dancing at Congregation Etz Chayim, located at 4161 Alma Street, Palo Alto, CA 94306 (link to Google map). Getting there is easy — it's just 5 minutes south of the 101, close to San Antonio Road and Central Expressway. There is abundant free parking in the temple's lot. It has a great wooden floor with lots of space and a house audio system (picture below).
Our wonderful dance hall!